
A series of focused meetings to work efficiently toward your brand goals

A series of 5 weekly 1-hour sessions on Zoom.

We’ll cover clarifying your unique position in the market, identifying your niche audience, and writing your ‘about’ story.

One-on-One Quick-Start

Together, we’ll work through the Quick-Start brand-building process. I’ll support you all the way with personalized guidance and insight.

Team Quick-Start

Bring your team. Using the Quick-Start tools, we’ll clarify your brand goals and work toward your deliverables.

Branding 101

Bring your friends or colleagues for a small group for a crash course in branding. Minimum 4, maximum 6 participants.

quick-start personalized brand advisory

A customized journey to accelerate you to a powerful brand vision

Over the past 20+ years of working with corporate clients, I’ve developed a repertoire of ‘methodologies’ for developing clear and compelling brands. Based on this work, I’ve created 16 exercises designed as a toolkit to efficiently meet the needs of leaders and founders.

At the end of the process, you’ll have:

A deeper understanding of your motivations and purpose

Clearly defined audience targets 

Your ready-to-use elevator pitch

Content and a creative brief for your brand communication

Guidelines for future growth

Questions? Email me to schedule a call.
Looking forward to working with you!

“Working with Susan is an exceptional experience. Her deep branding expertise is evident in the carefully curated process she’s developed. My work with Susan equipped me with clear messaging and the content I needed to reposition myself in the marketplace. I am grateful to her for her sophistication, support and good humor.”